M5 Pigeon & Loft Management


SQL Server Backend

Supports local and cloud hosted databases.


Windows Application

Runs on Windows desktops and windows immulators via Mac OSx


User Friendly

Modern interface for ease of use.



Supports a native and alternate language of your choice.

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Pigeon Database

Pigeons are stored by country and badge number for easy access.  Multi-language support.  Define your own codes for color, sex, status and race results.

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Record breeding offspring and automatically build your pedigree.

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Pedigree Reports

Create pedigree reports and save to multiple formats.  Integrated report designer included. Produce in native and one other language of your choice.

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Buy / Sell

Keep a history of the pigeons you buy and/or sale.

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Save your contacts for easy access when you buy and/or sale.

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Race Results

Track your pigeon race results by country/badge number.